Tuesday, July 31, 2007

There and Back Again

We spent the better part of a week in Colorado and had a wonderful time visiting family and camping. We staying with Wayne and Sue where we got caught up with each other and the garden train. Next door is Grandma and Aunt Sherrill so we visited with them too.

We also got to see cousins Aaron & Tricia and Jennifer & Simon. Then we left civilization and headed up into the Green Mt area to camp with Uncle Bob and Aunt Marlene. Brave folks these 2 are! We did some lovely fishing, swimming in the resevoir and of course eating camp food! Bob and Chris fished and fished. They got about 8-9 small trout. Hans stuck with it a long time but did not get a fish. Much to his dismay!

One last stop was the Denver zoo, where we walked until we were about to drop and then walked some more. Alan fell down midway through the day and came down hard strattling the side of a bridge where he the area between his leg and hip. He would not walk on it and was carried by Mom and Dad the rest of the day. When he was still not putting weight on it by that night, I was worried but he was Ok by the following day. He is still tender on it, but I think he'll heal on his own.

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